Isn't a wonderful feeling when you show up some place and get the immediate feeling "I'm Home!" or "This is where I belong"
Let that statement accurately describe Freedom Summit last weekend. Never could anyone imagine being so uberly informed on today's wretched affairs affecting Americans Freedom and Liberty. A wealth of information was provided at this conference, and for those that didn't make it, be sure to come out next year!
First off, we would like to thank and pledge our support to: they have/continue-to set up a super media base that freedom loving Libertarians' everywhere can utilize. And that to us is awesome. Visit to contact them. Its producer Ernie Hancock is an extraordinary gentleman, with massive amounts of time spent in the trenches on freedom emphasized public matters. Again, we thank him from the bottom of our hearts and congratulate him on all his numerous accomplishments.
Dec. 4th –
Unfortunately due to supposedly missing our flight out of Denver, CO. (which we didn't, but oh well) we were unable to attend the 6:30 PM MST debate. We did however finally arrive 10:00 PM MST, and was much anticipating tomorrow's freedom driven lectures.
Dec. 5th –
The summit kicked off with its founders Ernie Hancock & Marc Victor welcoming everyone out at around 8:45 MST. Then with no delay, Marc Victor delivers his keynote speech @ 9:00 – 9:45 AM discussing, from an attorney's POV, law and the legal aspect of Americans rights protected under the Bill of Rights. He provided a deep rooted lecture on Constitutional Law which involved an example case of a medicinal marijuana patient being arrested while smoking at home. Marc Victor is a Patriot!! You can find more about Marc Victor and what he does @
[Video for this specific lecture will be available sometime after 01/01/2010]
Post a quick smoke break, which we were granted pretty frequently, (which was sooo sweet of them to respect us smokers) a true blessing was placed upon us @ 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM by way of Charles Goyette, author of The Dollar Meltdown: Surviving the Impending Currency Crisis with Gold, Oil, and Other Unconventional Investments. Mr. Goyette came through with deep insight into fiat currency, historically supporting his points that failure of the dollar is imminent and with resolve, conveying sure-fire solutions for moving your fiscal worth into tried and true investments such as gold. Our impression gave way to a sense of urgency in his statements, especially with hyper inflation destined for the dollar. would like to personally thank Mr. Goyette for his perspective.
[Video coming soon]
Next up from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM… THE MAN HIMSELF of course, none other than R-Dr. Ron Paul senator for Texas (Who we @ could no longer wait to see in person), author of such books as: Revolution: A Manifesto & the newly released End The Fed. Delivering yet another driven and fluorescently bright lecture on fiat currency with emphasis on auditing, then once armed with proof of negligence, ending the fed. As we've consistently seen with Dr. Paul, his thoughts are well formulated and presented with a "common-sense" surrounded shield. Who can argue with this man?! Seriously!! His arguments are simply too sound and pile-drived with Bi-partisanship. extends a very warm blessing to this man and his family. Cheers to carefully crafting, the Re'love'alotion and all the best to HR1207/ S 604.
Other Dr. Ron Paul links: Meet him on finance @ CNN on foreign policy @ Bernanke meeting finance @ Bernanke finance committee meeting
After lunch we would get another powerful line-up, starting the mash-up on the topic of '2010, The Year Of…?' 2:00 – 2:45 PM was John Taylor Gato delivering a relentless talk seemingly written to be like a machine-gun of information regarding the "dumbing down" effect we've seen post 21st century in American public schooling. He placed specific points of influence around our children when he spoke regarding indoctrination that future generations must be subversive and "contained" in schools to further elitist agenda. We must applaud him simply on the grounds of having the ability to condense a greater than six hour speech down to 45 minutes, doing this all in less than 14 hours! We are amazed sir!
[Video for this specific lecture will be available sometime after 01/01/2010]
2:45 – 3:45 PM Butler Shaffer – Unfortunately we missed most of this speech due to a meeting we had with We hope to have video or link soon as well!
[Video for this specific lecture will be available sometime after 01/01/2010]
A real treat came by way of Judge John Buttrick 4:00 – 5:00 PM Although the judges oath limits his endorsement of any type of candidate, he was free to paint his perspective on the future of the Libertarian party, which in our opinion radiated the heat of urgency as well. Stressing very uniformly that unless drastic measures are taken the party will not only be swamped but sink. Very important information presented here for all us who at least or at most subscribe to the Libertarian philosophy!
[Video coming soon]
After dinner/cocktails, the gracious and highly intellectual keynote evening speaker Thomas Woods author of: Meltdown amongst other bestsellers such as: The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History & 33 Questions About American History You're Not Suppose to Ask. To our failure we had not heard of this man prior to Freedom Summit and must say this Mr. Woods nails holes into our current monetary policy like a wanted poster. He's been featured in Fox News and using a profound understanding of Austrian Monetary Theory he produces a perspective we've been doing things wrong in US monetary policy since 1910.
[Video coming soon]
Dec. 6th –
Having gotten some much needed rest and after dreams of Liberty grandeur, we were absolutely ready for the complimentary continental breakfast 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM followed by a wonderfully interactive speech by Boston T. Party author of: Hologram of Liberty & One Nation Under Surveillance. His POV seemed very direct, that not much can be done at this juncture and stressed a firm point of preparedness. He is a strong advocate for the but puts emphasis more on Wyoming stating an implied WTF to New Hampshire as it sits right in the middle of what could be a target in the North East like New York or DC.
[Video coming soon]
Next up, 10:00 – 11:00 AM we heard from a highly accredited political scientist specializing in philosophy of law and Constitutional Theory Joel Skousen author of such titles as: Strategic Relocation – North American Guide to Safe Places & How to Implement a High Security Shelter in the Home. Mr. Skousen appeared to us a survivalist by nature, with seemingly endless information regarding current China and Russian foreign affairs. He likened his points closely to Mr. Party's, however; stressed that you should not abandon your income stream until you can appropriately do so and agreed Wyoming was a firm choice over New Hampshire. His supreme knowledge on how to create an blast wall was amazing and we truly appreciate the receipt of that knowledge.
[Video coming soon]
Immediately following Mr. Skousen from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM, a dark omniscient figure by the name of Bud Burrell approached the podium dressed in all black with a demeanor that spoke he means business, up and down. Mr. Burrell is a viable Wall Street veteran who scoffs at the term "bubbles" in the market, and proposed these be called crises, and by all definition engineered. He further confirmed the notation a beast was born on Jekyll Island that reared its ugly face in 1913 by way of the Federal Reserve Act.
[Video coming soon]
We were absolutely ecstatic for our 1:45 – 2:45 PM speaker and along with Dr. Ron Paul was a major factor wanted to be in attendance @ Freedom Summit '09. Adam Kokesh is one BAMF! According to the girls, extremely sexy too!!!!! If you do any research into this Patriot you see immediately that he's a man of integrity, honor and intelligence. Having served tours in Iraq in the Civil Affairs Unit (the military unit responsible for the "actual" rebuilding & reconstruction of the Civilization of Iraq) he is a primary witness to the effects our occupation has had on the Iraqi people. His speech was centered around aesthetically correct, sound principles that we should have never of been ordered to occupy Iraq in the first place. We would like to extend a warm gesture of admiration to this man and having gotten to sit down to really talk with him shortly before catching our flight home, he has set forth some challenges to that we have agreed to engage head on. Stay tuned, as more will come soon on this challenge. Again, thank you Adam Kokesh! Without people like you in this fight for our lives, we personally could not do what we do.
[Video coming soon]
Other Adam Kokesh links of interest: @ Larry King @ Paul Rally
Stewart Rhodes founder of would see us off from 2:45 PM and on. He served as a U.S. Army paratrooper and is a former member of Dr. Ron Paul's DC staff. We applaud this team of individuals LOUDLY for supporting the notion we now need protection from our own military against a rogue commander and chief.
[Video for this specific lecture will be available sometime after 01/01/2010]
We would also like to thank and give a big shout out to Jordan Page for providing the soothing, freedom driven, acoustic music over the weekend. His message was as much beautiful as it was inspirational and we wish nothing but wonderful things for him and his wife! We would also like to make him an honorary member of our page as a social art warrior, more to come on this as we talk with him.
[Video of the entertainment will be available sometime after 01/01/2010]
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